Wear a Bucket on Your Head.
That was the advice given to me by the hilarious birthday card sent to me by my family.
It read: It's your birthday, so take it easy. RELAX. Wear a bucket on your head. Whatever.
On the front was a black and white picture of two toddlers sitting on the edge of a pool, their backs to us. One of them is wearing a bucket on his head.
It's hilarious. One of the best birthday cards I have ever received. Even if it did come two days late. This means there is still time for all of you out there to send me a birthday greeting. I generously give one week on either side of my birthday in which to receive greetings. I happen to know Hallmark has some very funny e-cards available. Hop to it!
My friend Wren sent me an e-card. I've watched multiple times now. It's great! I now have empathy for all my past, present and future birthday cakes.
Silly Marie and Bro. Steed also sent me a fabulous Kip Dynamite card. It too was funny, but bucket head wins.
Overall I had a nice birthday, even though I had to share my glory with all the dads out there.
Theric got me two items off my birthday list (this and this), plus some books that had not made it onto the list. And the Big O gave me the Best of David Bowie double CD album. Theric told me the Big O picked it out all by himself! I was so impressed, at two and a half he has fabulous taste in music!
The only downer to my birthday was that the Big O was sick. He has been sick since June 10th or so, with a respiratory thing. It's been awful. Theric and I had planned to leave the Big O with his grandma and take a trip to LA to visit the Getty and the Neon museum, but had to cancel because the Big O was so sick.
So we just spent last Thursday through Saturday at my in-laws where it is cooler, cleaner, and not surrounded by loud music. It was not ideal, and I was very sad to not visit the Getty, but it was better than being at our apartment.
Plus, Theric took me out to see Nacho Libre! It was very entertaining. I would probably watch it again.
Afterwards, we went to our favorite bakery in Tehachapi for a wonderful Saladwich with roast beef, then gorged ourselves on baked goods. It was delicious.
Overall it was a pretty good birthday.
If only I had worn a bucket on my head.
It read: It's your birthday, so take it easy. RELAX. Wear a bucket on your head. Whatever.
On the front was a black and white picture of two toddlers sitting on the edge of a pool, their backs to us. One of them is wearing a bucket on his head.
It's hilarious. One of the best birthday cards I have ever received. Even if it did come two days late. This means there is still time for all of you out there to send me a birthday greeting. I generously give one week on either side of my birthday in which to receive greetings. I happen to know Hallmark has some very funny e-cards available. Hop to it!
Silly Marie and Bro. Steed also sent me a fabulous Kip Dynamite card. It too was funny, but bucket head wins.
Overall I had a nice birthday, even though I had to share my glory with all the dads out there.
Theric got me two items off my birthday list (this and this), plus some books that had not made it onto the list. And the Big O gave me the Best of David Bowie double CD album. Theric told me the Big O picked it out all by himself! I was so impressed, at two and a half he has fabulous taste in music!
The only downer to my birthday was that the Big O was sick. He has been sick since June 10th or so, with a respiratory thing. It's been awful. Theric and I had planned to leave the Big O with his grandma and take a trip to LA to visit the Getty and the Neon museum, but had to cancel because the Big O was so sick.
So we just spent last Thursday through Saturday at my in-laws where it is cooler, cleaner, and not surrounded by loud music. It was not ideal, and I was very sad to not visit the Getty, but it was better than being at our apartment.
Plus, Theric took me out to see Nacho Libre! It was very entertaining. I would probably watch it again.
Afterwards, we went to our favorite bakery in Tehachapi for a wonderful Saladwich with roast beef, then gorged ourselves on baked goods. It was delicious.
Overall it was a pretty good birthday.
If only I had worn a bucket on my head.
Happy Happy Birthday Lady Steed dear
Happy days will come to you all year
If I had one wish, then it would be
A happy, happy birthday to you from me!
Happy birthday!
Sorry your plans didn't quite work out. Life sucks like that sometimes. I had great Father's Day ideas and didn't get to do any of them...
What ails poor Big O?
And you still have a present coming in the mail. They said it would take 4-10 days. 4 days would have put it there last Sat. so hopefully it will get there soon.
I love that he got you Tori Amos and Indiana Jones for your birthday! A strange and beautiful combination :)
Happy Birthday!
Pretend that I'm logged in.
And Pretend I baked you a cake or something.
Yay! I'm glad you liked your card. That one makes me laugh. There's a good one about a fish eating too much b-day cake, too! I'm sorry about the Big 0. I bet the Bay Area environment will suit him much better.
Foxy-how did you know that "Happy Happy Birthday Children Dear" is my favorite birthday song? I made the young women sing it to me on sunday during opening excersises. Thanks for the birthday wish.
Silly-The Big O is having pretty much the same thing he had when we were visiting you. Runny nose, horrible cough. I think that it may be an allergy. We are taking him to an allergist on Monday.
I'm looking forward to your gift...!
sarah- it helps when you make them a birthday list. Tori is my favorite singer and Harrison Ford is perhaps at his hottest in the Indiana Jones movies...I can't wait to watch them!
Rachel-thank you. I'll pretend you made me a white cake with a thick layer of lemon filling, yum!
leata-I too am hoping the Bay area environment will suit the Big O better. I really hope that all his respraitory problem will go away with such a drastic environmental change.
I had the Tori thing bought long before any list was made....
Happy Birthday! (Late, as usual.)
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