Thursday, January 14, 2010

Little Lord Steed: Five Months Old

Happy 2010 and happy five months to Little Lord Steed on Jan 11. At five months, Little Lord Steed still does the stuff he was doing at four months only better. Now he can actually roll over all the way from his back to his belly. He did this for the first time on Jan 4th then did not do it again until the 11th --- apparently he was saving it up for his five month mark since he did it a few times that day. I wonder how long before he learns to roll back onto his back though, as he doesn't like being on his belly for too long. He loves to stand and bounce on his legs, flaps his arms when happy, and can almost stay in a sitting-up position. He loves to look around. Still drools constantly but is sucking on his fingers less. Likes grabbing his toes and putting them in his mouth. He reaches and grabs for objects dangled in front of him. He grabs the object with one hand, then hands it to the other, then uses both to bring it to his mouth and explore it for as long as he can, until he drops the object. He is very good at this.
He is interested in paper and hair. Specifically in grabbing for it and putting it in his mouth. Large S does not like this development --- more than once a day Large S allows his curly locks to get too close to Little Lord Steed and screaming ensues.
Little Lord Steed has a really hard time falling asleep every night. He gets fussy around seven then doesn't manage to fall asleep until nine or ten then wakes up around midnight for a feeding. Then he's back asleep and will wake up at least one more time (usually twice) between midnight and five am. As you might guess, I am pretty tired out by all of this --- oh when will you start sleeping all the way through the night, little baby!!!????
Little Lord Steed LOVES the Big O. The Big O can almost always get a laugh out of him. Jan 4th we were all on a walk, Little Lord Steed was in the baby sling and the Big O started walking/skipping and Little Lord Steed thought this was HI.LAR.I.OUS! Every three steps got a huge belly laugh! It was so cute! I often send the Big O to go and talk to Little Lord Steed when he starts getting lonely --- with good results. It's nice that Little Lord Steed is happy to see someone else besides me. Little Lord Steed will also almost always laugh if you rub your head on his belly. The Big O thinks this is hilarious.
Little Lord Steed got his first stroller ride on Jan 5 --- he seemed to enjoy it, or at least didn't hate it. He fell asleep and now usually falls asleep when I put him in it on our walks to and from Big O's school.
Lastly, he's definitely bigger. How much bigger? I can't say as his next checkup isn't until the 20th. But I'm pretty sure we'll be moving up to the next size of diaper this week. And I must say that the rolls on his thighs are delightful.
Now brace yourself for the adorableness.
Five months already? How can this be?

size update: as of Jan 20 Little Lord Steed weighs 16lbs 12oz and is 25.75 in long. This places him in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. His pediatrician said, "He is symmetrical in all ways! What a perfect little guy!"


Blogger FoxyJ said...

He is growing so fast! And he is incredibly adorable--makes me realize that having a baby might not be so bad after all :)

Friday, January 15, 2010 8:50:00 AM  
Blogger Lady Steed said...

Foxy: If it wasn't for his extreme adorableness and the good feelings I have when I look at him, I would seriously question, everyday, whether having a third child was really a good decision.

Friday, January 15, 2010 1:45:00 PM  
Blogger Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

From Dean: A. no have clothes on. A. holding number. Her(Foxyj's avatar) holding her arms.

Friday, January 15, 2010 2:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Daniel H said...

What a cutie! My wife and I are missing that stage with our little ones.

He reminds me of my illustrator's 2 yr. old. - Kids are great. He looks like he's quite the kid to have around. I hope he's as happy as these pictures make him seem.

Friday, January 15, 2010 2:18:00 PM  
Blogger FoxyJ said...


Yeah, I'm in that very pregnant stage where I always question the wisdom of this decision. And my 'baby' is now 3 1/2 and potty trained so we're really starting to wonder if we're insane. Too late now. Hopefully she'll be as cute as Little Lord Steed :)

Friday, January 15, 2010 2:33:00 PM  
Blogger Lady Steed said...

Forgot to add that he is very strong. When he is on his back he lifts up his head, like he is going to start doing a sit up. I suspect that under his chubby belly he has abs of steel.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 6:06:00 PM  

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